With Awax, Redirected Websites Won’t Be a Hindrance to Uninterrupted Web Surfing in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari Browsers

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After annoying ads and banner redirects, browser redirects rank second in prevalence. Did you know that the average server redirection time is only 142 ms? In this time frame, a user can't even click the "back" arrow in the browser to cancel redirecting websites! The appearance of such redirect pages occurs as a result of visiting malicious sites and downloading various files from unsafe hosting providers.

While surfing the web, you may suddenly be redirected to a page that has nothing to do with what you were looking for and often turns out to be a fraudulent website. Agree, this is very irritating. How to deal with this? Let's find the answer together in this material!


Redirecting Sites Prevention Strategies


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In essence, the idea of redirection is absurdly simple—it compels the user to visit pay-per-click (PPC) web pages. Such sites redirect traffic to third-party domains. Consequently, when you visit PPC sites, you bring colossal profits to those redirecting you. Although, in most cases, such  sites redirecting are harmless, there are instances where viruses and other types of malware may attack your device due to redirection.

You can take control of redirected websites by taking certain measures. Among the methods that can help, we highlight the following.

Ensure Security

Make sure your operating system receives regular updates, use unique and secure passwords, and employ security services and plugins.

Configure Server Settings

To make changes to server setting parameters, review access control lists, and use server-side redirects.

Use Security Plugins or a Firewall

This can significantly increase your level of protection. With these tools, it's easier to monitor and block any suspicious activity, including unauthorized web page redirecting.

Integrate URL Checking

To ensure incoming requests match expected patterns, enable URL checking. This way, potentially malicious requests are easier to filter.

Keep Software Updated Timely

Remember how important it is to maintain the currency of every component of your software, including themes, plugins, third-party libraries, and more, to quickly address vulnerabilities.

Try Using a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

The WAF function involves creating a kind of barrier between websites and various potential threats. It helps filter malicious traffic and protects against various types of attacks, including web page redirecting.

Install an Ad Blocker

An ad blocker is a specialized tool that effectively combats websites redirected. It can be in the form of a browser extension for your PC or a full-fledged application on your mobile device.

And what you need to know when choosing an ad blocker and which one to prefer – we'll discuss next.


How to Choose a Quality Website Redirect Blocker 


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App stores offer a plethora of tools, each promising fast and secure web page loading and the ability to block webpage redirects. Yes, most are free, which initially eliminates the risk of investing in an inconvenient or useless solution. However, you wouldn't want to install a solution only to discover later that it can't fulfill its intended purpose, right?

That's why there are several nuances to consider when choosing an effective blocker.


Ensure the web site redirects blocker you choose can work on your Android or iOS operating system. Many solutions work successfully on both platforms, offering a wide range of features.

List of Filters

In addition to blocking sites redirecting, a good blocker can also combat annoying advertising banners, potential dangerous trackers that collect data, and malicious software. If your chosen solution can handle these tasks, go for it!

Customizable Blocking

Blockers are multifunctional and can provide users with manual control over lists of redirecting sites they'd like to see on their smartphone screens.

Ease of Use

Launching the program after installation should take only a few seconds. This also applies to the application's actual operation without any additional configuration. Everything should be straightforward if a user wants to customize lists or tailor the software to their needs.

So, is it possible to find a blocker for website redirected that meets all these criteria? We can say more - we've already found it for you!


AWAX – A Reliable App for Blocking Site Redirects


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 Among the unquestionable leaders in the blocker market, AWAX stands out. Here's why.

  1. Innovative Developments: A new approach to traffic filtering and advanced technologies used by this tool enable it to efficiently accomplish its tasks.
  2. Ease of Installation and Management: The tool's system requirements do not overload your smartphone, meaning you can use other applications like games, books, or a browser without a loss in performance.
  3. Effectiveness: AWAX operates on a local filter rather than an external server, saving not only outgoing traffic but also time spent processing requests.
  4. OS Compatibility: This tool functions perfectly on both iOS and Android, quickly blocking webpage redirects so that you hardly notice it!
  5. Useful Features: The blocker prevents redirecting from Google Chrome or any other browser you use on your smartphone. It can also block ads, phishing attacks, and data collection about you.
  6. User-Friendly: AWAX's multifunctionality does not affect the clarity of its interface, making it a user-friendly application. The app's installation process takes only a few seconds and does not require additional interaction with the user.
  7. Excellent Browser Performance: As reported by many users, AWAX excels at blocking websites redirected in the most popular browsers today—Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari.
  8. Free 7-Day Trial: Another advantage worth taking advantage of! During this period, you can determine whether the site redirect blocker meets your expectations and whether it's suitable for your daily use.

So, if you're looking for an effective blocker that can help when a website is redirecting to another page, consider AWAX—it might be just what you were looking for.


Final Thought


Many Internet users who find themselves trapped in site redirects desperately try to find a miraculous solution that would ensure continuous and comfortable web surfing.

Some attempt to fix it by adjusting browser settings, using firewalls, or security plugins. Unfortunately, the results are not always satisfying.

But if you wish to finally forget about uncontrolled site redirects and simply enjoy a peaceful time on the Internet, you should definitely use the AWAX blocker. Thanks to this tool, you will not only find the answer to "how to stop redirecting sites" but also ensure the privacy of your data and safety on the web.


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